Human is respectable per se
Human is respectable because it is human, from which good characters will grow no matter what environment or inheritance. But bad characters will also grow given the wrong environment.
Learn for Nature
Human learns from Land, Land learns from Heaven, Heaven learns from Tao and Tao learns from Nature.
Compassion to contribute as you would like to receive
Let others live as you would like to live, let others achieve as you would like to achieve. Impose others not the things you do not wish for yourselves.
Do the right thing, even no one is watching
The back of my statues is as important because God can see them. (Phidias on the Zeus of the Parthenon)
Keep the words, or faith will be lost
Confucius, “Administration is about economy, national defenses and people’s faith. If can’t keep them all, we let go economy, then defenses but never faith.
Dynamic harmony, not artificial
Harmony is not single melody, not single-handed, not one says and others to obey. Harmony is yin and yang going against each other while supporting each other, not too much and not too little.
Systems with reflect functions
To autonomate is to have systems with built-in feedback mechanisms so that people know instantly whether the systems are working or not.
It is contribution from action that matters.
Take the first step to act, then you know how much or how little you know; Know better, then you will do better when act again.
Adopt the right systems, not the systems we like.
We continue to adopt the systems not because it has been effective in the past, but it is effective now and future.
Healthy body and mind to energize
To innovate is to restlessly change, and that requires strength; strength for the body is healthy life, and strength for the mind is healthy intellectual curiosity.
Inspiration is not an end, but a beginning
Innovation is not a moment of event but series of events to inspire as we move up along the learning curve.
Renew again and again
No single designer can renew today, renew day after day, then renew again and again. Endless renewals would only happen to a designer and the generations after, not a single designer alone.